Well, let me tell you that Toji is the only person who defeated Satoru Gojo and almost killed him. So, we have to know about this guy, right? In today’s blog, we will discuss his fight with Gojo while learning a little about Toji. Now, keep in mind that there are going to be a lot of spoilers from the manga, so don’t complain later—I am warning you right now.

Toji’s Unique Abilities and Cursed Tools
Right off the bat, let me tell you that Toji was born with a heavenly restriction and is a member of the Zenin family, which means he doesn’t have cursed energy, but he is physically very gifted. If you are born in the Zenin family without cursed energy, you can assume that the family will reject you, and the same thing happens with Toji. By the way, Toji starts working for clients to earn money and live his life. If you give money to Toji, he is ready to do anything for you. This is why Toji is also called a sorcerer killer because he takes contracts and kills sorcerers.
Toji has a lot of cursed tools, and you will always see a cursed spirit worm on Toji’s shoulder because it sits on his shoulder and stays with him. Toji can also transport worms in his mouth, which is amazing because, usually, when sorcerers take a cursed spirit into themselves, it has a negative effect, but it has no effect on Toji, mostly because of his heavenly restriction. People believe that Toji has trained the worm like a pet, although we can’t say how much the worm and Toji trust each other.

The Setup: Gojo’s Past Arc
So, now that you know a little bit about Toji, let’s discuss Gojo’s past arc where Toji killed Gojo—well, almost. The story is set in the year 2006 when Gojo and Geto were 2nd-year students and were assigned a task. This task was to send the Star Plasma Vessel to Lord Tengen. So, they were to send it safely to Lord Tengen so that Tengen could merge with this vessel. Now, you might ask, who is Lord Tengen, and what is this Star Plasma Vessel? Well, I will tell you in short, not in detail, otherwise the blog will go off-topic.
So basically, Lord Tengen is a sorcerer who has an innate technique called Immortality. Yes, he can live for eternity, although his body will age. In this case, every 500 years, Lord Tengen has to change his body. He has to merge with another compatible body, and you might ask, why does he have to change? Well, because he can evolve after 500 years, and no one knows if his evolved form will be good or bad for humanity. So it’s better to merge and make him young again. You get it? That’s the reason.
Now, Lord Tengen can’t just merge with anyone. A compatible person is chosen for him, and yes, there is a criteria for this too, which we will not discuss now. For now, just know that the one with whom Lord Tengen is going to merge, that is, the Star Plasma Vessel, is a young girl named Riko Amanai. So Gojo and Geto’s mission was to bring Riko safely to Lord Tengen so that she could merge. Everything clear so far? You understand? Well, the story will get quite interesting from here.
“I’m a failure as a sorcerer, but I’m a success as a killer.”
– Toji Fushiguro

The Opposition: Who Wants to Stop the Merger?
So basically, some people are against this merger, and we can divide them into two groups. The first group is Group Q, which was established by two people, and they want Lord Tengen to evolve because, as I told you, if Tengen evolves, no one knows if he will be good or bad for humanity. Let’s take a risk and see what happens because if he goes against Jujutsu Sorcerers, Group Q will benefit. Now, the second group is a religious group called the Timed Vessel Association, which we will call TVA. TVA basically worships Lord Tengen, and they believe that Lord Tengen should be allowed to evolve because that is the law of the land. Basically, they believe that Lord Tengen’s evolved version will be pure, whereas if we talk about the merger, then it is an impure version, so there should be no merger in this case.
So in this case, TVA hires Toji, whose job is to kill the plasma vessel, Riko. If Toji completes this task, he will get 30 million yen.

Toji’s Master Plan: Outsmarting Gojo and Geto
So Toji starts making plans for this task because if he directly meets Gojo and Geto, then we all know what will happen. So in the first step of the plan, Toji hires some goons online who can go after Riko and try to kill her, hoping they will be fight with Gojo and Geto. Basically, he places a 30 million yen bounty on Riko online, saying that whoever kills Riko during this time, he will give them 30 million yen. Now you might think, he is giving as much as he is earning? Well, this was not going to happen because Toji knew that these cursed goons would go and fight Gojo and Geto, and Gojo and Geto would defeat them in a snap.
Basically, Toji knew very well what the outcome of this fight would be, but he had a motive behind this, which was that he wanted to tire Gojo, meaning he wouldn’t have to pay any money because no one would be able to kill Riko, and Gojo would also get tired. Two birds with one stone. There is a situation where Gojo and Geto easily defeat these cursed users and then rescue Riko. Anyway, Gojo and Geto finally reach Tokyo Jujutsu High with Riko, and they enter the barrier.

The Surprise Attack: Toji Strikes
At this point, Gojo thinks that the mission is complete, and he deactivates his curse technique. As soon as he does this, Toji comes from behind and stabs Gojo. Gojo couldn’t understand how Toji got inside the barrier and why he couldn’t sense Toji’s attack. He has six eyes, after all. Gojo immediately recovers and tells Geto to take Riko and move forward while he deals with this guy, but Gojo didn’t know that Toji was not an ordinary guy.
So, due to the heavenly restriction, Toji doesn’t have any cursed energy, and this barrier was actually meant to stop cursed energy or cursed tool spirits. A normal person who doesn’t have cursed energy can easily come inside. You might ask, okay, Toji came inside, but how did he bring the worm with him? It’s a cursed spirit, and how does he have so many cursed tools? Well, as I told you earlier, the worm becomes very small, and Toji takes it inside. But here, the worm can do one more thing. It can take the weapon inside, eat its own body, become small, and then Toji puts it inside his mouth.
Now, as I told you about Toji, swallowing a cursed spirit doesn’t make a difference. In fact, their curse nullifies. So, in this way, he crossed the barrier, brought a cursed spirit with him, and cursed weapons too. This is why Toji is also called an invisible enemy because no cursed user can detect Toji. Yes, his moves are not predicted because he doesn’t have cursed energy. So, when you can’t feel the cursed energy, how will you be able to predict his moves?
Anyways, coming back to the fight, Gojo says, “The bounty has been removed from Riko, so why are you still here?” Toji replies, “You idiot, I was the one who set the bounty. I had set the timer so that when the timer ends, you would think that the bounty is over, you would remove your techniques, and then I would attack you.” So, basically, Toji had planned all of this, and he attacked Gojo from behind. In fact, Toji’s first attack on Gojo was with a non-cursed tool so that Gojo couldn’t detect him.

The Fierce Battle: Toji vs. Gojo
So, a fierce battle starts between these two, where Gojo uses his Lapse Blue, Reversal Red, and Toji knew about these attacks. He was prepared, and with the help of his cursed tools, he dodges and nullifies them. Toji had a unique, special-grade cursed tool called the Inverted Spear of Heaven. The special thing about this weapon is that whoever comes in contact with it will nullify the effect of the curse and it also works on Limitless.
Limitless means that no one can touch Gojo with it, but this cursed tool can nullify Limitless and attack Gojo. So, with this terrible cursed tool, Toji mercilessly beats Gojo. I mean, sneak attack, and we all know that Toji was physically gifted.
Finally, he gives Gojo a lethal blow, and after that, Gojo is killed—not completely, I’ll tell you what happens next. So, after defeating Gojo, Toji first reaches Geto and kills Riko first, then he tells Geto that your friend Gojo is dead, now it’s your turn. Now, Toji beats Geto as well, although he doesn’t kill him. I’m not discussing this fight because it’s not as interesting as Gojo’s. You just need to know that after this moment, the evil inside Geto started to grow. Toji says, “A monkey like me has beaten you so badly. I mean, a non-cursed monkey like me is beating two of the greatest sorcerers, so understand your status.” And that’s why if you remember the anime, Geto usually calls normal human beings monkeys. The reference is from here.

Gojo’s Resurrection and Final Battle
Toji takes Riko’s body to the TVA, takes money from them, and then walks on his way. But there he meets… who? Gojo. Yes, Gojo is not dead; he is alive. Of course, he is alive, that’s why we are seeing him in the anime. Gojo says, “I was about to die, but that’s when I understood the code of cursed energy, and from there I learned the reverse curse technique, which I couldn’t learn before.” Now, the reverse curse technique is basically a thing with which you can heal yourself, or you can also regenerate like demons do in Demon Slayer—kind of like that. So, using this, Gojo healed himself, and he was in front of Toji for the final battle.
Gojo attacks Toji with his Hollow Purple and says that “You don’t know about this attack because even Gojo clan members have no idea about this attack.” Now, Toji wasn’t ready for this attack, and he got injured. I mean, his one hand was gone. Toji understood that he wouldn’t live now. In his last moments, Toji says that he has a son, Megumi Fushiguro. He will be sold to the Zenin clan in 2-3 years, so do something about him. After all this, Gojo kills Toji.
“Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the honored one.”
– Satoru Gojo

Legacy and Impact: Toji’s Influence on Jujutsu Kaisen
Toji becomes the only person who almost killed Gojo without cursed energy. Although, point to be noted, Gojo was a 2nd-year student at that time; he wasn’t as powerful as he is now.
Now you have heard the name Megumi, and you know who he is. So yes, Toji is Megumi’s father. It’s not like Toji cared about his family. Basically, he left his wife, didn’t care about his son, and was selling him to the Zenin clan because, you know, Megumi has the technique of 10 shadows, so sell him to the Zenin clan and take money from them. Toji’s job is to earn money. Anyways, let’s get over all that. After all this, Gojo basically retrieves Riko’s body, but obviously, they won’t be able to merge with Lord Tengen, so what will happen to him? Well, I won’t tell you right now, but it’s a very interesting plot point. We will explore it in another blog.
Also, when we talk about Geto in a blog, we will also understand Geto’s arc—how Geto changed from here and became a villain. Apart from this, the blog I promised on Yuta will come. If you want more blogs like this on Jujutsu Kaisen, then do hit likes and comment on this blog so that I can understand that you are interested—only then will blogs come, share the blog with your friends.. I’ll see you guys in the next one. Sayonara…