So brothers and sisters, only five chapters of Jujutsu Kaisen remain, and one of them has already leaked. Yes, the leaks for JJK manga chapter 267 have surfaced, and in today’s blog, we’ll be discussing those leaks. Just a heads-up: the blog is filled with spoilers, so proceed with caution.

Flashback: Gojo and Yuta’s Body-Swap Training
Chapter 267 begins with a flashback where we see Gojo and Yuta separately. Their bodies are currently swapped because they are engaging in body-swap training. In this flashback, Yuta asks Gojo for Sukuna’s last finger so that he can feed it to Rika. By doing this, Yuta hopes to copy Sukuna’s curse technique.
However, Gojo directly refuses to give the finger. Why? Because, according to Gojo, even if Yuta feeds the finger to Rika and analyzes and copies the Shrine curse technique, it still won’t be enough for Yuta to fully understand the Shrine technique.

The Limitations of Yuta’s Copying Technique
For instance, even though Yuta had copied Inumaki’s cursed speech, he still had to learn from Inumaki how to properly use it. The point here is that even though Yuta can copy curse techniques with Rika’s help, in order to use those techniques effectively, Yuta would need guidance from the original technique master or spend a considerable amount of time mastering the curse technique himself. And right now, he doesn’t have that much time.
So, even if Yuta consumes Sukuna’s last finger, it would be a gamble because after consuming it, the connection with Sukuna would be severed, and it’s uncertain whether Yuta would be able to use the Shrine technique properly afterward.

Understanding the Mechanics of Rika’s Consumption
At this point, we discover another limitation of Yuta’s copying technique, friends, which is that it also matters which part of the source’s body Rika consumes and in what quantity. In other words, how many times Yuta plans to use someone’s curse technique after copying it will determine how much or which part of the source’s body Rika needs to consume.
You can think of it this way: if Yuta wants to copy a very powerful curse technique, he will have to make Rika consume the part of the body that is most vital to the source. However, even if that body part is vital, Yuta can use a binding vow to fulfill the technique’s requirements, which would limit its use.
So, you see, friends, as JJK is coming to an end, we’re still trying to fully understand the main character’s curse techniques. How are they going to wrap this up in just five chapters? Seriously, the anxiety and suspense are overwhelming! I know I’m joking about feeling depressed, but honestly, it’s a lot to take in.
Anyway, without getting too emotional, let me also explain that if Rika consumes a body part of a sorcerer and that sorcerer later regenerates that body part using RCT (Reverse Cursed Technique), the copying technique won’t work. It turns out Yuta’s technique has more limitations than we ever realized.

Yuta’s Strategy and Preparations
Yuta also mentions that he fed Inumaki and Hana’s arms to Rika because it was determined that they wouldn’t be able to heal their arms much further using RCT or modern science. Besides that, Yuta took a part of Charles’ ribcage to copy his curse technique. Here, Hakari reassures Charles, telling him not to worry, saying that once their work is done, he’ll be healed. Now, if you’re wondering who this Charles guy is and where he suddenly came from, remember the mangaka during the Culling Games who had a long staff that looked like a pen? Yeah, that’s the same Charles.
Meanwhile, Maki asks Yuta if Tōdō informed him about Yūji and Sukuna’s resonance. Yuta replies that yes, he’s aware of it, and that’s why they’ll execute this plan when they are about to fight Sukuna, only telling Yūji the bare minimum about it. After this, Yuta tells Yūji that even though he can’t use Sukuna’s curse technique right now, Sukuna’s curse technique is already engraved within his body, which Gojo-san has confirmed using his Six Eyes.
In other words, Yuta was suggesting that at some point, Yūji will definitely be able to use Sukuna’s curse technique. And if Sukuna’s curse technique is within Yūji, then Yuta’s goal could potentially be achieved even by consuming Yūji’s finger, right?
“I don’t want to lose anyone else. That’s why I’ll do whatever it takes to get stronger.”
– Yuta Okkotsu

Sukuna’s Missing Fingers and the Secret Plan
Now, we move to the present fight, where Sukuna notices that two of Yūji’s fingers are missing. One was pulled out by Sukuna himself to transfer it into Megumi’s body, and the second finger was used by Yuta, who fed it to Rika so that he could gain the Shrine technique.
At that moment, Yuta was also attacking, so this means, my friends, that Sukuna’s original finger still exists and has been sealed in some secret location. And guess who’s guarding that secret location? Utahime and the old man Gakuganji.

Nobara’s Return and the Impact on Sukuna
Gakuganji asks if Sukuna’s finger, a special grade cursed object capable of withstanding any physical or Jujutsu processing, can be penetrated by that technique. Utahime responds that it might be possible through a binding vow where the objective of destroying the cursed object is removed, focusing solely on applying the technique’s effect. However, Utahime expresses concern since she had only just woken up a short while ago.
Essentially, they are discussing applying a curse technique to Sukuna’s finger—not to destroy it, but to use the effect of that curse technique to attack Sukuna. And the person who will do this is none other than Nobara, who has returned to JJK. I’m not joking, friends. Nobara Kugisaki, whom we had presumed dead until now, has somehow returned to JJK with an eye patch.
Here, Nobara uses Resonance on Sukuna’s final finger. Instead of destroying the finger, she is attempting to harm Sukuna by using her curse technique on the finger. And it’s possible. As soon as Nobara strikes Resonance on the finger, Sukuna immediately starts trembling. His body feels pain, and Sukuna quickly realizes that this is Nobara’s curse technique, causing him to freak out a bit.

The Battle Intensifies: Yūji vs. Sukuna
Sukuna was thinking to himself that this is the work of that woman, and this is very bad. Now my curse technique isn’t working properly, I can’t even open my domain, and at this rate, this kid’s Sure-hit effect will take place. Basically, Sukuna is panicking a bit, and remember, friends, Yūji’s domain is still open. Tears well up in Yūji’s eyes when he realizes that Nobara is still alive. A new energy surges within Yūji, and he doesn’t give Sukuna a chance to recover, directly hitting him with a Soul Dismantle. Not only that, Yūji strikes Sukuna with his knee and fist so hard that Sukuna vomits.
But Sukuna doesn’t give up easily; he quickly retaliates. Sukuna tells Yūji, “Did you think you could defeat me with this makeshift domain of yours?” According to Sukuna, Yūji has already surpassed his limits because he wasn’t healing his injuries with RCT (Reverse Cursed Technique). And whenever someone opens their domain, a lot of their cursed energy is consumed, so they become somewhat weaker. That was Sukuna’s logic, and according to him, Yūji was done for.
However, Sukuna is shocked when Yūji hits him with a special delayed second-impact punch. After that, Yūji stands up like a hero and says, “Sukuna, let’s end this long game right here.” And with that, Yūji delivers a powerful Black Flash to Sukuna. The chapter ends with the editor’s note saying that the end of this long battle is very close.
“I don’t give a damn about ‘men’ or ‘women.’ It’s all the same to me. If you’ve got something to say, come at me!”
– Nobara Kugisaki
So, friends, these were some leaks from JJK manga chapter 267, and a lot happened in this chapter. First, Sukuna’s finger was revealed, then Nobara came back and shook Sukuna by attacking his finger, and in the end, Yūji gained the upper hand in this fight. Now only four chapters are left, and then JJK will end. But let’s see what happens in those four chapters.
For now, that’s all for today’s blog. If you liked the blog, please like and share it. I’ll see you guys in the next one.