In the very beginning, we see that every ninja student is teamed up in groups of three. By the announcement, we come to know that the members of Team 7 are Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto.
We first have to know the characters of them; you know Naruto from my first blog. Sasuke is Naruto’s opposite. He is calm, clever, and very intelligent. On the other hand, Sakura is infatuated with Sasuke and does not like Naruto at all.

Kakashi’s Test:
Team 7 is given in charge to Kakashi Hatake. As the series progresses, we come to know there are no students that have passed under Kakashi. Then Kakashi starts his way of exam. He tells them that they have to get the ringing bell from him; then they will pass.
Naruto tries first; as we know, Naruto is the impatient one, but he fails miserably. When he attacks, he uses his Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu, but Kakashi escapes with a Substitution Jutsu. Sasuke and Sakura also try but fail, not realizing that Kakashi is out of their league.
Kakashi ties up Naruto and gives food to Sasuke and Sakura. He tells them not to share the food; if they do, they will fail. But as we can see, they didn’t care about failing; they cared about their friend and gave the food to Naruto. Actually, this was a test. Kakashi tested them to see if they have the courage to help their friend under any circumstance. And they pass. They are the first team that passed under Kakashi.
My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things, and I don’t particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality.”
– Sasuke Uchiha
Ranking of Mission:
In the episode, we come to know that there is a ranking system used to classify the ninja missions. Missions are categorized into different ranks: D, C, B, A, or S based on their difficulty, risk level, and skill set required to complete them. D-ranked missions are the simplest ones, involving tasks like finding pets or assisting with babysitting. C-ranked missions involve guarding people or transporting goods with some risk of enemy attack. B-ranked missions are higher in danger and involve direct combat with enemy ninjas. A-ranked missions are vital to the security of the village or the nation and are extremely dangerous. S-ranked missions are given only to the most elite ninjas and involve tasks like assassinations, high-level spying, or fighting or catching S-class criminals.
First Mission of Team 7:
Their first mission was to find a lost cat. They successfully did it but weren’t happy about that. Naruto yelled at the Hokage to give them a D-level mission. So, the Hokage gave them a C-level mission. They have to help a bridge builder to get to his destination. They were happy now.

Real Mission Start:
They start the mission. But on the street, they were attacked by a bunch of ninjas from the Hidden Mist. They had a fight; in the fight, Sasuke is really good, but Naruto gets really scared. But then Kakashi saves them. Kakashi realizes that the bridge builder lied to them, saying this is a C-level mission, but it is actually a B or higher level mission as ninjas are involved. Kakashi wants to retreat the mission, and Naruto also gets hurt by the enemy.
Naruto’s Will:
But Naruto refuses to retreat; he just wants to finish the mission and doesn’t want to be saved by anyone, especially not Sasuke. During the fight, Naruto was saved by Sasuke, and Sasuke teased him, calling him a scaredy-cat. Naruto stabbed himself with a knife to release the poison. When Kakashi looked at Naruto’s wound, it was healing very fast. Kakashi thinks it’s because of the Nine Tails. When Kakashi saw that Naruto would be okay in no time, he believed in himself that if anything happens, he will manage it. And their journey continues.

Zabuza, the Rogue Ninja:
As the journey continues, we come to know about a businessman named Gato. He is a corrupt businessman; he would do anything, even hiring ninjas to protect his business. If the bridge men build a bridge, Gato’s ship business would be in danger, and his control over the island’s economy would be threatened. So he hires ninjas to eliminate the bridge builder. As they approach, they are suddenly attacked by an elite ninja named Zabuza, who is also hired as a mercenary by Gato.
As Kakashi introduces Zabuza to us, we come to know that Zabuza is a highly skilled and powerful ninja. He hails from Kirigakure, the Hidden Mist Village, and is also known as the Demon of the Mist. He was a member of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, a group of elite warriors who wielded large and unique blades. Zabuza is especially known for his weapon, the Kubikiribocho—a giant sword that can regenerate using the iron from the blood of its victims. He is an expert in Water Style Jutsu, allowing him to create water clones and manipulate water to capture and attack opponents, creating mist to his advantage on the battlefield. His signature technique, the “Hidden Mist Jutsu,” creates a dense fog that blocks the vision of his enemies. This technique is very suitable for silent and unseen attacks that are almost ghost-like.
“It is only through the eyes of others that our lives have any meaning.”

Kakashi’s Reputation:
Zabuza also tells us about our Kakashi sensei, which we don’t know yet. Zabuza acknowledges Kakashi as “Kakashi of the Sharingan.” The Sharingan eye that Kakashi possesses is rare and very powerful. It grants Kakashi enhanced perception, allowing him to copy any enemy’s jutsu and see through enemies’ attacks; all this makes him a formidable opponent. As he’s talking, we come to know Kakashi is very famous among the ninjas.
This is it for today’s blog. In the next blog, we will see how Kakashi and Zabuza will fight, and how Team 7 and our Naruto will fare against the great Zabuza. Will they survive? See you in the next blog.
A ninja must see through deception in the ninja world. Those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are the real scum.